Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cover and preface

"I didn't know what to title this because it has such a broad range of philosophy and sociology,but go ahead and open this book and begin reading if you're interested."(Seriously, that's that i plan on calling it.)


So I can probably guess that you, upon immediately opening this book figured that this was some shambles written by some guy with nothing better to do... and that's exactly right; well, the nothing better to do part anyways. You may stop reading now... or you can continue and read on. Really though, you don't have to, because all of these compiled thoughts are probably thoughts that we've all had before. I'm just putting it all together into something we can all understand. so now you're probably wondering what the hell am i going to talk, er, write about? Well, I kind of don't know either, but this book will simply be a compilation of patterns that I've noticed in human nature throughout my life, and stuff we should probably do to make all of our lives better, because of course, everyone want's to live a better life, right?... i hope. Part of you probably thinks that I'm absurd for thinking that i can change your opinion because I'm writing in such a conversational tone, and chances are i probably am. But if you think about it, most literature of the past was basically what I'm about to talk about now, except actually eloquently phrased with spectacular use of symbols, allusions, syntax, all neatly wrapped in a fictional situation. I'm merely simplifying that process and getting straight to the point, and maybe using some out of the ordinary analogies while i do so, just to make things a little more interesting. (how interesting can a book on philosophy get?- oh... wait...) So, without further ado, Lets begin.

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